понедельник, 6 января 2020 г.


Some info on control grips stick tops , but these were more aircraft specific. Having a more views of the seats would make it quicker to modeling in blender ie: We don't know the differences between the varieties of Type 10 seats Would this make life easier for people making a new aircraft model, or improving an existing one? I thought about this as I have a fair amount of info on which ejection seats were used in which RAF Cold war era aircraft. tucano t 27 flightgear

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I've found some Type 4 seats look in terms of general appearance more similar to a certain Mk3 seat than another Type 4 with just one suffix letter different! My spreadsheet does contain information such as which parachute packs, and which harness types, were used on which seats, which would enable this work to be done relatively easily.

Would this make life easier for people making a new aircraft model, or improving an existing one? Top, Left, Right, Front and Back views would be best.

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I would be up for trying to make a seat and then see what the work load is from one. The texturing of detailed bits that make them different, would add the extra variety. Sometimes the MARK is used to distinguish between methods of jettisoning the canopy or something else.

I also have a lot of information on common cockpit instruments, switches, cabin lighting, etc.

Summary on departures/arrivals by airport (top 100 at most)

If some generalisations can be worked in, it will be less suitable for the Sea Harrier FA2, but would also be suitable for other aircraft too. The Types and Mks do have lots of common items which can be modelled and put together like Lego blocks to create a seat, so my first recommendation is to model a couple of different parachute packs and harness types and 4 or 5 head boxes, from there you can build pretty much any seat you want with these modular components Would there be any interest in a project making a Common Aircraft Component Library?

Recent Topics Index Log in. Never trust a museum for accuracy, if they have a hole, they will fill it with something that's pleasing to the eye. The Type 10H above is specifically for the Sea Harrier FA2, there will be different letter suffixes for the different aircraft listed on Wikipedia, all will have different features, however, these features can be small, but also can be big and make MASSIVE differences to the appearance, making generalisations difficult to achieve.

It however will be less useful to other aircraft until the other aircraft's seats have been assessed for differences. But, better than the seats above, the AEA is made form very standard components that could be picked form a library to suit the aircraft and year.

Also look at the Lightning T5 model with wrong F6 wings and an arrestor hook that need to be undone, had the model originator done his research the time would't be wasted in re-doing it. Good read thank you. I also have a fair bit of AEA information too Aircrew Equipment Assemblies showing what flying clothing form boots to helmet and oxygen mask would be suitable for which aircraft.

Notes on seat designations: Start Prev 1 Next End 1. Each aircraft type has pretty much a specific seat type, but the differences are sometimes very insignificant I thought about this as I have a fair amount of info on which fpightgear seats flightgrar used in which RAF Cold war era aircraft.

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Building generalised seat models out of modular components: I have started putting together a cross-reference spreadsheet of aircraft and seat types, and notable features, referencing the AP information, as I want to include it on my website, but it crossed my mind that it may be useful to you guys too. This has a list of aircraft that have had one en.

Some info on control grips stick topsbut these were more aircraft specific. The photos of this seat came from an airshow, so could be in original configuration as removed from an aircraftOR could be put together by an enthusiast, so can only be treated as SECONDARY information.

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I am going to town on the detail at this stage, as I'm including records form different years, as things can and do change, so where I have a document from the 50's for an aircraft type, and a similar doc from the 70's, there will be entries to capture both instances. Sometimes they flighygear it right, but it's done mostly just to make an exhibit look good. We don't know the differences between the varieties of Type 10 seats Plus adding small models details to each would change it up a bit more.

Powered by Kunena Forum. These groups will be a mix of Types and Mks, mainly depending on features such as the head box, parachute pack and harness type the features rucano see tucaho the cockpit of an FGFS aircraft. Please note most seats designations especially more modern go:

tucano t 27 flightgear

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