вторник, 7 января 2020 г.


The script requires minor customization to begin with. Run the rescan on all hosts to verify that all the paths are online. Take all the backups before upgrade: This log can be viewed to see execution progress from all instances: Clicking the button causes a full page refresh. ibm qperf

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Any other user can be used to set up qperf by modifying directory paths in the script. Plan for the new zoning configuration based on the new ports. Setting up qperf Follow the quick procedure below to set up qperf for manual data collection and then schedule via cron.

ibm qperf

All patches discussed in the article can kbm obtained from https: The key fingerprint is: If qperf is run for extended duration, raw data can take up disk space and, worse yet, cause the filesystem to fill up. Prepare the zoning commands based on the existing configuration and new SV1 FC ports. If not, generate new one: Power-on of the new SVC-SV1 nodes can be done prior to execution day for any hardware issues, so that you do not face any issues on execution day. Take care that the number of iterations finishs before next cron instance runs.

Latest version of qperf can be downloaded from https: At times, this step is omitted by the customer inm you could be given just raw data. The patch adds following steps to the qperf collect scripts and can be simply used to patch future versions. Remove all the SSDs from the existing configuration. In such scenario, following technique can be used: The patch for release can be downloaded from https: It may not be there by default qprrf may need admin assistance to do so. But the hot spare node can address this challenge.

In such a case, it automatically replaces the failed drive and qpert assists with business uptime requirements.

ibm qperf

This article provides additional information to run qperf via cron job scheduler facility in Qeprf and Linux.

The downloaded ZIP contains detailed instructions for setting up data collection. Each SVC node is replaced one by one, without downtime, as the host accesses the data from one path during the upgrade.

ibm qperf

Getting Started The latest version of qperf can be downloaded from https: The interval of execution and number needs to be updated as per requirement. Check all the zoning configurations before the node upgrade and ensure redundant paths are available, so that once you change the node the host initiator will still be able qperd access the online path of storage.

IBM Systems Lab Services Worldwide

Our Storage and Software Defined Infrastructure consultants perform onsite infrastructure services and offer deep technical expertise, valuable tools and successful methodologies to help you solve your business challenges, gain new skills and apply best practices.

Every two hours, a new instance would be run and new data collection directory would be created. The upgrade from previous models of Spectrum Virtualize to new hardware can be qpeerf and seamless, without any downtime.

Clicking the button causes a full page refresh. It can be downloaded from https: Backend infrastructure consists of common components like network, storage, backup and disaster recovery DR solutions, along with management and monitoring qper. Download this file on the current host.

IBM Systems Lab Services Worldwide Blog

This log can be viewed to see execution progress from all instances: The link asks to provide the output of lsnode, lssystem and lsportfc commands output. Before you begin, the following are some key points to remember to qperc seamlessly and without downtime from CG8 to SV All the hosts accessing SVC volumes should be running with correct multipath.

The interval of execution and number needs to be updated as per requirement.

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